About the Captain
Hill Norvell is not a salesman. He’s a fisherman who tells is like it is. That kind of straight-forward approach might come from his upbringing in Texas, where he grew up on the water, casting and catching, and operating his own boat by age 14. Or maybe it comes from his military training during his stint in the U.S. Army.
One thing is certain: Talk to Hill about catching fish in Resurrection Bay and the Gulf of Alaska and he’ll tell you the odds straight up. If you book a fishing excursion with his company, you’ll know exactly what to expect. Hill’s brand of fish charter is reminiscent of the old cowboy work ethic, where you did your job, respected nature and your fellow traveler, and took only what you could use.
Hill is respected in these waters and has earned a reputation for finding those open-water hot spots where the fish are hiding. His approach is popular with those who are serious about catching fish and who can trust his instincts over their own.
Charter his entire ship-shape 46-foot boat (the “2 Day”) for private customized trips, or try for an individual seat. Either way, you’re likely to limit out on a few species.